Sunday, April 1, 2012

Help Wanted

I'm watching Starsky and Hutch, drinking Diet Pepsi, and doing report cards when I realized, wow, I've really neglected my blog this year. 

It's been a crazy year! Last week I presented a literacy workshop and I think it went really well. I discussed what a literacy rich environment looks like, how to conference 1:1 with your students, and our district assessment requirements. 

I also put my resignation in about a month ago. If you know of any districts (preferable public school) in the Albany, NY region hiring for next year, I'm on the market. I am struggling with the thought of not having my own classroom next year, but it's time to move on. 

So last week we finished my matter unit and one of my cutie pies wrote this on her test: 

The arrow says "I couldn't think of anything else!!" This was definitely the highlight of my week. I'm still laughing about it. 

On Friday I played a little April Fools trick on my students since it fell on a Sunday this year. I gave them a spelling test and most of them didn't even notice until the very end that it said something vertically: 

They thought this was hysterical!! It says "there really is no spelling test today. April fools ha ha ha"

We also made ice cream on Friday for our snazzy snack and end of our matter unit celebration. The recipe can be found here. It was so much fun and it was actually really tasty. It was made in a Ziploc bag and they just ate it right out of the bag. It shows a chemical change. 

My friend Laura over at Love To Teach does a weekly blog post about freebies that she finds. I like this idea and I want to share a couple of my finds last night. 

This first freebie is data binder materials. This must be very time consuming BUT I can definitely see this making me a better and more accountable teacher. There will also be no surprises when report cards come around. 

This next freebie is a poetry unit. I hate poetry :( I'm just glad April is a short month and I only have to teach it for 2 weeks. Hopefully this freebie makes it go a little more smooth for me. 

Have a great week!! Since I teach at a Catholic school we don't have school Thursday, Friday, or the following week. I plan on working on a magnet unit so if there is anything you would like to see in it, let me know :)


  1. I teach at a Catholic school also but you have WAY more days off than us!!!! We just have Friday and Monday.

    And I feel you on the "preferably public" thing.... enough said, right? :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. Hilarious! I have a classroom of 17 boys and 8 girls! They would think "fart" right away!

    I am new to blogger! I just started a blog, waiting on a blog makeover and wondered if you had any advice about getting followers etc. I love your blog! There are so many of you who have inspired me to join the blogger community! I download great ideas every night! Thank you! Are u interested in integrating technology- maybe you could swing by my blog! Remember- It's just a start!

  3. Oh my gosh, that's so funny!!! I have a few pictures like this on my blog of cute mistakes that kids make.

  4. Just found your blog and I'm your newest member. I hope you will return the favor and check out mine. I teach 2nd! I am hosting a multi-blog/TPTer Spring Break Giveaway that ends tomorrow night at 7:00.

    Come on over, introduce yourself, and enter! :0)


  5. Hi! I've been reading your blog for many months now and don't know if I've commented before. I really appreciate the things you share with us here. Good luck in your job search! I teach at a Catholic school as well, and I understand the stresses (along with the joys!)
