Wednesday, September 7, 2011

**Classroom Pictures**

I made it through the first day of school and am EXHAUSTED. I've been neglecting my blog and really wanted to share some pictures though!

It may look small, but this is the largest room I've had in 3 years! I have 11 students this year which is definitly a nice number. LOVE the paint color. I picked it out but my husband actually did the work.

Here are my mailboxes and writing supplies. The bottom shelf is book bins for Daily 5.

Here is my classroom library. I am most excited about that wire rack on the right. I've wanted one for OH SO LONG but they're expensive. I got that at Borders for $25 SCORE. I think I'm going to use it for book recommendations.

Here is my CAFE menu. It is basically identical to my one last year. Courtesy of my husband!

Here is my calendar area!

My author of the month display.

AND my word wall :)

Wish I had more to say but I'm OH SO tired!



  1. I LOVE the color of your walls! Your classroom looks so fun and inviting!!


  2. I love the wall color! We are allowed to paint our rooms colors, too...mine is purple, but yours looks so bright! It makes me want to repaint mine!


  3. YOUR WALL COLOR IS AMAZING! I'm loving your classroom!!!!!

  4. Great classroom! I noticed your cafe board and I am curious to know what your students are able to do during your daily 5?
